Graduate Meeting of Evolutionary Biology of the DZG : Proceedings (2011) <p>Editors: Barbara A. Caspers, Alexandra Franzke, E. Tobias Krause</p> Fakultät für Biologie en-US Graduate Meeting of Evolutionary Biology of the DZG : Proceedings (2011) 16th Graduate Meeting of Evolutionary Biology of the DZG : [Abstract Volume] Abstract volume including the abstracts of talks and posters held at 16th Graduate Meeting of Evolutionary Biology of the DZG, Bielefeld University, 4.- 6. March 2011, ed. by Barbara A. Caspers, Alexandra Franzke, E. Tobias Krause ( Barbara A. Caspers Alexandra Franzke E. Tobias Krause Copyright (c) 2023 Graduate Meeting of Evolutionary Biology of the DZG : Proceedings (2011) 2011-12-31 2011-12-31 10.2390/biecoll-evol2011